Command Line Usage


Assuming a normal install, the command-line client is called gaiagps and is self-documenting. For example, this gives an overview of global options and the top-level commands:

$ gaiagps --help
usage: gaiagps [-h] [--user USER] [--pass PASS] [--debug] [--verbose]
               {waypoint,folder,test,tree,track,upload} ...

Command line client for

positional arguments:
    waypoint            Manage waypoints
    folder              Manage folders
    test                Test access to Gaia
    tree                Display all data in tree format
    track               Manage tracks
    upload              Upload an entire file of tracks and/or waypoints

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --user USER           Gaia username
  --pass PASS           Gaia password (prompt if unspecified)
  --debug               Enable debug output
  --verbose             Enable verbose output

The client attempts to login to as infrequently as possible and stores session information to reduce the frequency of having to provide credentials. However, the first time user will have to login at least once, and any time the session expires. To do this the first time, use the test command:

$ gaiagps --user test

Afterwards, you need not provide your username for subsequent usage (until your session expires):

$ gaiagps test


The utility is arranged hierarchically with top-level commands, some of which have sub commands. For example, the waypoint command has multiple sub-commands for things like add, rename, remove, etc:

$ gaiagps waypoint add 'My Campsite' 45.124 -122.987
$ gaiagps waypoint rename 'My Campsite' 'Cool Campsite'
$ gaiagps waypoint remove 'Cool Campsite'

For the primary data types that Gaia stores, the waypoint, track, and folder commands provide the bulk of the functionality of the utility. Each command has its own --help output, which tells you what you can do with each thing. For example:

$ gaiagps folder --help
usage: gaiagps folder [-h] {add,remove,move,export,list,dump,url} ...

This command allows you to take action on folders, such as adding, removing,
and moving them.

positional arguments:
    add                 Add a folder
    remove              Remove a folder
    move                Move to another folder
    export              Export to file
    list                List
    dump                Raw dump of the data structure
    url                 Show direct browser-suitable URL

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Folder Organization

Gaia organizes data loosely into a hierarchical structure. By default, all data items live at the “root” level, but can be moved into folders. Folders can also be moved into folders, creating an arbitrarily deep tree structure. For example, to create a folder and move a waypoint into that folder, do the following:

$ gaiagps folder add 'My Folder'
$ gaiagps waypoint move 'Cool Campsite' 'My Folder'


Removing a folder will remove all the contents of that folder, including other folders. Use caution when removing folders!

Some operations that create data allow those items to be automatically moved into a new or existing folder. For example, to create a new folder inside another folder, you would:

$ gaiagps folder add --existing-folder 'My Folder' 'Subfolder'

When you create a waypoint, you can add it to an existing folder, or create new folder at the same time:

$ gaiagps waypoint add --new-folder 'My New Folder' 'Trailhead' 45.321 -122.9012

Duplicate Names

Gaia allows you to create data objects with identical names. This makes it hard to distinguish one from the other, both in the web UI as well as at the command line. If you get into a situation where you have multiple objects with the same name, some work is required to disambiguate them. Consider the following scenario:

$ gaiagps waypoint list
|              Name              |       Updated        |      Folder      |
|          My Campsite           | 20 Apr 2019 02:58:21 |                  |
|          My Campsite           | 19 Apr 2019 03:41:53 |                  |

Here we have two waypoints called “My Campsite”. If I wanted to take action on on of them, say move it into a folder, I am unable to specify the name:

$ gaiagps waypoint move 'My Campsite' 'My Folder'
Multiple items with title=My Campsite found

In this case, assume I was on a weekend camping trip and I marked the campsite where we stayed each night on my tablet. Not thinking about it, I named them the same thing. Now, months later, I want to suggest one of those sites to a friend, but I don’t remember which was which. The timestamp of the waypoint may be enough to determine which is which, but maybe not. Either way, the steps for renaming one or both are:

  1. Get the unique ID of each one
  2. Confirm which one is which
  3. Rename one of them using the ID instead of the name

To show the items with names and IDs, use the --by-id option to list:

$ gaiagps waypoint list --by-id
6e87d380-00a0-44b0-9b01-b127dc8e0ffe 20 Apr 2019 02:58:21 'My Campsite'
7568434e-c9e3-42b4-b65f-29a855087672 19 Apr 2019 03:41:53 'My Campsite'

If the timestamp is enough to know which campsite is which, then you now have the ID necessary for the rename step. If the timestamp is not sufficient, you can get the browser-friendly URL of the item, by id, and look at it in the Gaia web UI to figure it out:

$ gaiagps waypoint url 6e87d380-00a0-44b0-9b01-b127dc8e0ffe

To continue the example, I now have enough information to know that the first campsite from 20-April-2019 is the one I want to share. In order to change the name of it to distinguish it from the other, I can use the ID:

$ gaiagps waypoint rename 6e87d380-00a0-44b0-9b01-b127dc8e0ffe 'Awesome Campsite'

Now, my waypoint list looks like this:

$ gaiagps waypoint list
|              Name              |       Updated        |      Folder      |
|       Awesome Campsite         | 20 Apr 2019 02:58:21 |                  |
|         My Campsite            | 19 Apr 2019 03:41:53 |                  |

Since they now have different names, I can now manage them each by their name.

Matching and Bulk Operations

Some commands support operating on multiple items at once. For example, you can move multiple waypoints into a folder in a single command:

$ gaiagps waypoint move 'Campsite' 'Trailhead' 'Summit' 'My Hike'

Further, you can also use a regular expression to select multiple items to operate on:

$ gaiagps waypoint move --match 'Camp.*' 'All Campsites'


Matching with a regular expression is very powerful, but has the potential to let you do a lot of damage very easily. Exercise caution when using this feature. When possible, use --dry-run to confirm planned actions before executing.