Python API Documentation

gaiagps.apiclient module

exception gaiagps.apiclient.AuthFailure

Bases: Exception

Indicates that login to was not possible.

class gaiagps.apiclient.GaiaClient(username, password, cookies=None)

Bases: object

A low-level client for

Initialize and login (if necessary) to If a cookiejar is provided and the session stored within is still active, login credentials are not used.

  • username (str) – Username for
  • password (str) – Password for
  • cookies (http.cookiejar.CookieJar) – A cookie jar or None
  • AuthFailure – if login fails
  • RuntimeError – if session is stale and credentials are not provided
add_object_to_folder(folderid, objtype, objid)

Adds an object to a folder.

  • folderid (str) – The id if the folder in question
  • objtype (str) – The type of the object to add
  • objid (str) – The id of the object to add

The updated folder description

Return type:


create_object(objtype, objdata)

Create an object.

  • objtype (str) – The type of object to create (waypoint, track, etc)
  • objdata (dict) – The exact raw object structure

The resulting object, if successful, else None

Return type:


delete_object(objtype, id_)

Delete an object by id.

  • objtype (str) – The type of object to delete
  • id (str) – The id of the object to delete

Get access information for a folder.

Parameters:folderid (str) – The id of the folder
Returns:A list of API access objects for the folder
Return type:list
Raises:RuntimeError – if the server refuses to list accesses

Get invite information for a folder.

Parameters:folderid (str) – The id of the folder
Returns:A list of API invite objects for the folder
Return type:list
Raises:RuntimeError – if the server refuses to list invites
get_object(objtype, name=None, id_=None, fmt=None)

Return an object data structure by name or id.

Fetches an object and returns the raw data structure. If provided, id_ takes precedence over name.

  • name (str) – The name of the object
  • id (str) – The id of the object
  • fmt (str) – Optional format ('gpx' or 'kml')

The waypoint data structure, or raw content if format is specified

Return type:

dict or bytes

  • NotFound – if no folder by the given name is found
  • RuntimeError – if more than one folder exists with the name
get_photo(photoid, size='fullsize')

Get the image contents of a photo by id.

  • photoid (str) – The id of the photo
  • size (str) – The size of the image (one of fullsize, scaled, or thumbnail.

A tuple of content-type and the bytes content of the photo

Return type:

tuple (str, bytes)

list_objects(objtype, archived=True)

Returns a list of object descriptions.

This is similar to the result of get_object(), but with object references instead of full objects.

  • objtype (str) – The type of object to be listed
  • archived (bool) – If True, archived objects will be included

A list of objects

Return type:



Login with our credentials.

There is usually no need to call this directly, as it will be called from init when necessary.

Raises:AuthFailure – if login is not possible
lookup_object(objtype, name)

Lookup a single object by name.

This returns an object description like what you get in list_objects(), filtering by name. If more than one object with the specified name is found, an error is raised.

  • objtype (str) – The type of object to be found (waypoint, track, etc)
  • name (str) – The name of the object to be found

An object description

Return type:


  • RuntimeError – When multiple objects by the same name are found
  • NotFound – When no object by the given name is found
put_object(objtype, objdata)

Update an object.

  • objtype (str) – The type of object to be updated
  • objdata (dict) – The exact raw object structure

The resulting object, if successful, else None

Return type:


remove_object_from_folder(folderid, objtype, objid)

Removes an object from a folder.

  • folderid (str) – The id of the folder in question
  • objtype (str) – The type of the object to remove
  • objid (str) – The id of the object to remove

The updated folder description

Return type:


set_objects_archive(objtype, ids, archive=False)

Control archive (sync) status on a set of objects.

  • objtype (str) – The type of object to change
  • ids (str) – A list of object IDs
  • archive (bool) – True if the object should be archived

True on success, False otherwise

Return type:


  • RuntimeError – if the server refused to provide the image
  • NotFound – if the server reports the image does not exist

Test the session to see if we are successfully logged in.

Returns:True if we are already logged in
Return type:bool

Upload a file by name.

Parameters:filename (str) – The local filename to upload
Returns:The resulting folder object that is created to hold the contents of the file, as you would get from get_object(). None is returned if the server reports that the upload was queued for processing.
Return type:dict
exception gaiagps.apiclient.NotFound

Bases: Exception

Indicates that an identified item could not be found.

gaiagps.apiclient.find(iterable, key, value)

Find exactly one item in iterable for which key equals value.

  • iterable – Items to search
  • key – The key to match
  • value – The value to match
  • NotFound – If a match is not found
  • RuntimeError – If multiple matches are found

Build a url from components.

Ensure that the resulting URL ends in a slash and that none of the sub elements that have a slash cause duplicates.

gaiagps.apiclient.match(iterable, key, pattern)

Find items in iterable where key matches pattern.

  • iterable – Items to search
  • key – The key to match
  • pattern – A regular expression to use for matching

A list of objects that match

gaiagps.util module

class gaiagps.util.ThingFormatter(thing)

Bases: object

Format helper for GaiaGPS objects.

This is intended to digest an object from the API and provide a relatively safe dict-like formatting object for strings.

Example usage:

obj = client.get_object( … ) fmt = ThingFormatter(obj) print(‘%(title)s’ % fmt)
Parameters:thing (dict) – An object from the GaiaGPS API as returned from GaiaClient

The altitude (elevation)


The “time_created” datestamp


The internal GaiaGPS identifier


The “public” or “private” status


The title or name


The “updated_date” datestamp


A list of keys we definitely support for formatting

gaiagps.util.date_parse(thing, property_name='time_created')

Parse a local datetime from a thing with a datestamp.

This attempts to find a datestamp in an object and parse it for use in the local timezone.

Something like this is required:

{'id': '1234', 'title': 'Foo', 'time_created': '2019-01-01T10:11:12Z'}
Parameters:thing (dict) – A raw object from the API
Returns:A localized tz-aware datetime or None if no datestamp is found.
Return type:datetime.datetime
gaiagps.util.datefmt(thing, property_name='time_created')

Nicely format a thing with a datestamp.

See date_parse() for more information.

Parameters:thing (dict) – A dict raw object from the API.
Returns:A nicely-formatted date string, or '?' if none is found or is parseable
Return type:str

Return a path to an editor command, if possible.

Returns:Path to an editor command or None if one is not found

Return a dict of track names and colors from a GPX file.

Parameters:source_file (str) – Source GPX filename
Returns:Dict of name:color

Detect if a string is likely an API identifier

Parameters:idstr (str) – An ID string to be examined
Returns:True if the string is an identifier, False otherwise
Return type:bool

Make a folder object.

This returns an object suitable for sending to the API.

Parameters:name (str) – A str representing the folder name
Returns:A dict object
Return type:dict

Creates a hierarchical structure of folders.

This takes a flat list of folder objects and returns a nested dict with subfolders inside their parent’s subfolders key. A new root folder structure is at the top, with a name of /.

Parameters:folders (list) – A flat list of folders like you get from list_objects()
Returns:A hierarchical dict of folders
Return type:dict
gaiagps.util.make_waypoint(name, lat, lon, alt=0, notes='', icon='')

Make a raw waypoint object.

This returns an object suitable for sending to the API.

  • lat (float) – A float representing latitude
  • lon (float) – A float representing longitude
  • alt (float) – A float representing altitude in meters
  • notes (str) – A str representing the notes field
  • icon (str) – A str representing the icon (one of the values supported by gaiagps, for example blue-pin-down.png)

A dict object

Return type:



Return a sorted list of items by name.

Parameters:iterable – Items to sort
Returns:Items in name sort order
gaiagps.util.pprint_folder(folder, indent=0, long=False)

Print a tree of folder contents.

This prints a pseudo-filesystem view of a folder tree to the console.

  • folder (dict) – A folder tree root from resolve_tree()
  • indent (int) – Number of spaces to indent the first level
gaiagps.util.resolve_tree(client, folder)

Walk the tree and flesh out folders with waypoint/track data.

This takes a hierarchical folder tree from make_tree() and replaces the folder descriptions with full definitions, as you would get from get_object().


A hierarchical tree of full folder definitions.

Return type:


gaiagps.util.strip_gpx_extensions(source_file, dest_file)

Strip any GPX extensions from a file.

Remove any GPX extensions from source_file and write the result to dest_file.

  • source_file (str) – Source filename
  • dest_file (str) – Destination filename

Exception – If the source file is not a GPX file


Return a sorted list of items by title.

Parameters:iterable – Items to sort
Returns:Items in title sort order

Validate and normalize an altitude

Only meters are supported

Parameters:alt (str) – An altitude string
Returns:An altitude
Return type:float
Raises:ValueError – If the altitude is not parseable or within constraints

Validate and normalize a latitude

Only decimal degrees is supported

Parameters:lat (str) – A latitude string
Returns:A latitude
Return type:float
Raises:ValueError – If the latitude is not parseable or within constraints

Validate and normalize a longitude

Only decimal degrees is supported

Parameters:lon (str) – A longitude string
Returns:A longitude
Return type:float
Raises:ValueError – If the longitude is not parseable or within constraints